Spring Can Not Be Cancelled
Saturday, March. 2, 2024 | 1:00 p.m.
Gail Dawson-White presents a program about artist David Hockney: "Spring Will Not Be Cancelled: A COVID Year in Normandy". One of the most influential British artists of the 20th Century, Hockney spends a year chronicling the seasons in spite of our isolation.
Registration is requested. To register, email ann@wyopublib.org, or call the Library at 610-374-2385.
Wyomissing resident and connoisseur of all things French, Gail Dawson-White will present a program about artist David Hockney. One of the most influential British artists of the 20th Century, Hockney spent a year chronicling the seasons in Normandy inspite of isolation. Ms. Dawson-White will show works of art by Hockney that were created during the pandemic which illustrate his optimism and strong affiliation with nature.
Questions? Email ann@wyopublib.org or call the library at 610-374-2385.