The Library will be closed for Labor Day weekend from Saturday, August 31, 2024 to Monday, September 2, 2024.

Computer and Internet Use Policy


The Wyomissing Public Library is committed to the educational needs of its diverse community. As part of that commitment, the library provides public access to the Internet through the library’s computers and wireless connections.


The Wyomissing Public Library is not responsible for the content, accuracy or availability of information on the Internet. Information found on the Internet may be out of date, inaccurate, unreliable or incomplete. Patrons need to exercise judgment and discretion in the use of information received from the Internet. The Library Board and its employees assume no responsibility for damages of any type arising from the use of any information, software or data obtained from the Internet. The Library Board and its employees are not responsible for damages to patron owned equipment including but not limited to cell phones, laptops, tablets, gaming and other devices using the library’s wireless Internet connection. This includes but is not limited to, damage caused by configuration changes, viruses, spyware or other malicious code received via the library’s wireless connection. The library is not responsible for insuring the privacy of any information on a patron’s electronic device or data sent or received while using the library’s wireless Internet connection.

Terms of Use

  1. All patrons using the library’s wireless Internet connection or computer workstations must agree to the Computer & Internet Use Policy.
  2. Headsets or earbuds must be used for all Internet access with an audio component.
  3. Adult and teen patrons using a library Internet workstation are limited to 1 hour of computer/Internet use per day. An extension in usage time may be requested through the librarian on duty at the circulation desk.
  4. Visitors may use Internet computers with a library guest pass if they are here temporarily.
  5. The library reserves the right to request that a patron discontinue the display of information or images deemed inappropriate, improper or disruptive for viewing in a public library. The library reserves the right to deny any person Internet or computer access if his/her use is deemed to be inappropriate.
  6. Patrons may not use the library’s Internet workstations or the wireless Internet connection to transmit threatening or harassing material or engage in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating or hostile environment.
  7. Patrons may not use the library’s Internet connection or public access computers for any commercial or for-profit purpose.
  8. Hacking (purposely violating computer or network security) or the dissemination of viruses, harmful computer code, hoaxes, or deceptions is prohibited. Violations of copyright or software licensing agreements are prohibited. The proper authorities will be notified of any violations.
  9. Patrons may not damage, alter, or degrade computer equipment, peripherals, software, or operating configurations. Patrons may not shut down computer workstations.
  10. Patrons may not view, print, distribute, display, send or receive images or graphics of obscene or pornographic materials or material that violates laws relating to child pornography while using library workstations or using the wireless Internet connection.
  11. The library reserves the right to limit the number of people at each workstation.
  12. No food or drink of any type is allowed in the room with the computer workstations.
  13. The library staff reserves the right to terminate any Internet session, including wireless Internet sessions at any time. Patrons violating this Internet Policy may lose their Internet privileges. An official warning is given for the first offense; the second offense results in the loss of all Internet privileges for 30 days in the Wyomissing Public Library and the third offense results in permanent loss of Internet privileges.


The library is required to filter the Internet. Filters cannot be removed from any personal device using the library’s wireless connection. Library staff are not permitted to touch a patron’s equipment unless requested by the patron.

Printing and Downloading

  1. A cost recovery fee will be charged for printouts.
  2. Patrons are responsible for paying for everything they print. The library is not responsible for any material once it is printed or for copies that a patron fails to pick up.
  3. Downloading is permissible to flash drives.

Use of the Internet by Children

A parent or guardian must accompany children under the age of eight (8) while using the Internet. Parents or guardians, NOT library staff, are responsible for Internet information accessed by their children. Librarians do not serve in the place of parents and cannot act in place of parents in providing supervision of children as they explore the Internet. The responsibility for what minor children read or view on the Internet rests with parents or guardians. The library reserves the right to restrict Internet use by children to the Internet workstation located near the main desk. All Internet rules apply to the use of the Internet at work stations located in the library.

Staff Assistance

Library staff can offer basic instruction by appointment. However, the time available for instruction may be limited and patrons must be willing to explore and search the Internet on their own. If you encounter any problems, or if another patron is engaged in offensive behavior, please let us know. Staff may not be able to give assistance to patrons configuring their personal equipment including laptops, tablets, gaming and other devices to connect to the library’s wireless Internet.

Close of Day

The computer workstations will automatically shut down ten (10) minutes before the library closes.

Internet Agreement

Computer and Internet users must sign an Internet Agreement and provide a Wyomissing Public Library card. Agreements for children under the age of 14 will require the signature of a parent or guardian. Visitors, who don’t have a library card, will need to complete a Guest Internet Agreement.


Policy reviewed & approved by the Board of Directors on April 15, 2019.