Home Delivery Service
WHO qualifies for this service?
- Wyomissing Public Library patrons who reside within the Library’s service area (Wyomissing, Wyomissing Hills and West Reading), and who are unable to visit the library due to illness, disability, transportation issues or caregiving responsibilities qualify for home delivery services.
- To be eligible, you must also have (or apply for) a Wyomissing Public Library card.
WHAT is the cost of this service?
- Nothing! This is a free service provided by library staff and volunteers.
- Library cards are also issued free of charge, subject to proof of identification and address.
WHAT library materials are available?
- Books (fiction, nonfiction, and large print), audiobooks, magazines, music CDs and videos are available for delivery.
- You may request specific titles or ask the Library to select titles for you based on your interests.
- Materials may be requested by phone or online.
WHEN are the materials delivered?
- Every Tuesday, weather permitting.
- Requests should be made no later than 5PM on Mondays.
HOW many items can I borrow at once?
- Home delivery is limited to 10 items per patron, including no more than 5 DVDs or CDs, and 5 magazines.
- All other circulation policies apply.
- The Wyomissing Public Library is fine-free; however, patrons are billed for lost items.
How do I sign up?
- Call the Wyomissing Public Library Mondays - Fridays, 10 AM-6 PM, or Saturdays 10 AM - 3 PM, print and fill out the application form, or sign up online below
Why is home delivery unavailable outside the Library’s service area?
- Due to resource limitations, we are unfortunately unable to offer home delivery beyond Wyomissing, Wyomissing Hills or West Reading.
For additional questions, please contact our Program Coordinator at ann@wyopublib.org or 610-374-2385.