Adult Summer Reading
Wednesday, June. 19, 2024 to Monday, August. 19, 2024
Click Here to register for
Adult Summer Reading!
How it works:
- You must be 18 years of age or older.
- You may read fiction or non-fiction books.
- Keep track of how many books you read.
- When you are finished reading a book, complete the Adult Summer Reading Book Form (copies can be found at the Main Desk or online). For each Adult Summer Reading Book Form you turn in, you may choose a book for FREE from the library's Book Sale (in the balcony).
- When you turn in the form, you will be eligible for a raffle drawing when the program ends.
How does the Adult Summer Reading Book Form work?
- Use the forms to keep track of the books you read during the 9-week program. When you complete the form, turn it in at the Main Desk and select a FREE book from the library’s Book Sale (in the balcony). The form will also be used to enter you in the prize raffle drawing which will be held when the program ends.
When will you announce the winners?
- We will accept Adult Summer Reading Book Forms through Monday, August 19. Winners will be drawn between August 20 & 24. We’ll call you to let you know if you have won!