Monday, 10/14/2024:  Tonight's Mid-Century Modern Architecture program has been cancelled.

Patron Behavior Policy

The Wyomissing Public Library intends to provide a quiet, safe and supportive environment for all users and staff engaged in library activities. The Library is a limited public forum where all members of the public are encouraged to read, study, and use Library materials, programs, or services. Patrons may not engage in any act which disrupts or prevents the normal or intended use of the Library by any other customers or staff, and may lose Library privilege if they do so. Library staff may ask visitors to show their Library card or other ID at any time.

Cell phones should be turned off or put on vibrate while in the library building. Making or receiving cell phone calls is not permitted.

Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult.

When you enter a Wyomissing Public Library building, event, or program, you enter an area where photography, audio, or video recording may occur. Wyomissing Public Library is not responsible for the privacy of your image, voice, or recording and the posting of the same to media channels.

The following specific activities and behaviors seriously interfere with the provision of Library service, are prohibited in the library building, and are grounds for immediate expulsion from Library facilities, and may result in loss of all Library privileges for a period of time as determined by the Director:

  1. Cutting, tearing, defacing, breaking, or damaging in any way Library materials or property;
  2. Committing any criminal activities;
  3. Using, giving away, or selling controlled substances or intoxicating liquors, or being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances;
  4. Using abusive, threatening, harassing, offensive, or profane language. Physically abusing, threatening or assaulting customers or staff;
  5. Engaging in lewd or lascivious behavior, including solicitation, sexual harassment, indecent exposure and voyeurism;
  6. Smoking, chewing, vaping, or other tobacco use (such as rolling cigarettes)
  7. Bringing any weapon into the Library except in the case of authorized security and law enforcement personnel.

Library customers engaged in the following activities will be asked to cease the behavior and may be told to leave the Library for the rest of the day. Any subsequent violations may result in the loss of Library privileges for a period of time as determined by the Director:

  1. Using Library computers in a manner prohibited by the library’s Computer & Internet Use Policy.
  2. Sitting in the computer cubicles for any purpose other than use of the public access computer;
  3. Remaining in the designated “Teen Area” during hours restricted to teens use only;
  4. Eating, or displaying open food or liquid containers, except in a specially designated area of the Library or for special programs;
  5. Sleeping, giving the appearance of sleeping or loitering by not engaging in a library based activity.
  6. Inappropriately or excessively using the restroom including bathing, shaving, or clothes washing.
  7. Monopolizing library space, seating, tables, or equipment to the exclusion of other customers and staff;
  8. Failing to keep personal belongings to oneself. The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen property and the Library shall not be used for storage of personal belongings;
  9. Exhibiting poor personal hygiene, including offensive and pervasive odors which are a nuisance to others;
  10. Making unreasonable noise including loud talking, not silencing cell phones, playing of audio equipment which disturbs others, and boisterous activity;
  11. Soliciting funds, begging, circulating petitions, advertising for private business (unless a library sponsor), or selling of any unauthorized items;
  12. Distributing, posting, or placing on Library property any printed materials except through authorized Library procedures. Individuals placing on Library property any hatred-inciting materials will be reported to the appropriate authorities;
  13. Entering without proper attire including shirt and shoes;
  14. Entering with animals, except certified assistance animals or those pre-approved for Library programs.
  15. Exhibiting a visible pest infestation on their person or belongings.

These rules shall be applied in a neutral and non-discriminatory manner to protect the property, customers, and staff of the Wyomissing Public Library and to maintain the availability of Library resources for all patrons. Additional security by the Wyomissing Police Department may be requested at any time that the librarian on duty deems it necessary.

Any patron whose privileges have been revoked may appeal the decision to the Board of Trustees via written request to the Library Director within fourteen (14) days of the denial of library service.


Policy reviewed & approved by the Board of Directors on April 15, 2019.