Due to inclement weather, Wyomissing Public Library will be closed on Monday, January 6, 2025. All events and programs are cancelled for the day. Stay safe in the snow!

Sports in Society

Wednesday, April. 17, 2024    |     6:00 p.m.

Athletes, coaches, fans, and people merely aware that sports exist, will want to come to the library on Wednesday, April 17th at 6 PM when Angela Adler, Ph.D., will explore how sports shape society and society shapes sports. Attendees will have the opportunity to identify how they’d like sports to be in the future, and what they can do to help that happen.

Dr. Adler is an operations consultant for strategy and performance. At the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a BIG10 school, Dr. Adler taught "Sociology of Sport" to several semesters of undergraduates, including student-athletes, sports broadcasting, journalism, and sports management students. Dr. Adler is a Wyomissing graduate and disabled athlete, currently pursuing Paralympic classification in swimming.

Registration is requested.  To sign up, email ann@wyopublib.org, or call the Library at 610-374-2385.