Thursday, 2/27/2025:  "Stretch and Flow Yoga" will not meet tonight.

Fall Gardening Workshop

Wednesday, October. 2, 2024   |   6:00 p.m.

What to do with your garden in the fall – should you prune or wait until spring? Should you rake the leaves, or leave them? To plant or not to plant, and if you plant, should you mulch too?

If you have questions like these, or others about your garden, come to the Wyomissing Public Library on Wednesday, October 2nd at 6 PM. Penn State Master Gardener Mary Ellen Mahan will answer your questions about fall gardening, and give you tips on what to do when so your garden will thrive in the spring!

Registration is requested. Please sign up by calling the main desk, or register online at:

For more information, please contact