Approved Grant Guidelines

for the BCLA Professional Development Grant Program

  1. Grant funds will be allocated as part of BCLA's budget process and will be made available in accordance with BCLA's fiscal year. The amount of the funding may vary from year to year, depending on the amount of money in the BCLA treasury.
  2. Individuals making requests must be BCLA members in good standing.
  3. A member may apply for a maximum of $100 during the fiscal year, but not in consecutive years. Applications may be submitted at any time during the fiscal year. One half of the year's allocation will be available between July 1st and December 31st, and half between January 1st and June 30th.
  4. Grant-seekers must email a written application to the BCLA Treasurer to be considered for the grant. The request must state the individual's name, library affiliation, the exact nature of the expense (e.g. registration fee, transportation, type of coursework or continuing ed. event) and the amount requested.
  5. Grant funds requested must not duplicate reimbursements received from the applicant's employer or other funding source.
  6. Only library-related professional development or Library Science coursework expenses will be considered.
  7. Confidentiality of all applicants will be respected.
  8. The Executive Committee will consider all applications when received and advise the applicant of its decision within 30 days.
  9. When appropriate, grantee may be asked to present information gained from the course or continuing ed. event at a BCLA meeting.
  10. Current board members of BCLA are not eligible for grants.
Approved 4-22-2016